Didnt think pol would ever do it but Augtust update FTW,
The duration for which a beastmaster can maintain a pet invoked with the "Call Beast" ability will be extended. The new length of time, though varying depending on the type of pet brought forth, may be up to 90 minutes.
Additionally, when not engaged in combat, pet healing will be possible through use of the "Stay" ability. Finally, the experience penalty previously incurred by a beastmaster while using a charmed monster will be done away with.
This update will almost have a big of impact on the bst community as the MPK update, Our jug pets will be bit more useful, we not can rest our pets like ever other Pet class out there and the biggest thing ofcourse NO EXP PENALTY WOO, thats such a big thing we will see more beasts in partys because the exp penalty jug pet myth will be killed for certin now, Soloing will be more effiecient like if u accidently dont hit ur leave macro in time no exp cut.
On the flip side we may start to lose our identity as minority job, were likely to see a big out break of new beast masters and we may fall into a generic position as another partying job for the masses.
Id love to see other peoples oppinions on how the update will effect them
The duration for which a beastmaster can maintain a pet invoked with the "Call Beast" ability will be extended. The new length of time, though varying depending on the type of pet brought forth, may be up to 90 minutes.
Additionally, when not engaged in combat, pet healing will be possible through use of the "Stay" ability. Finally, the experience penalty previously incurred by a beastmaster while using a charmed monster will be done away with.
This update will almost have a big of impact on the bst community as the MPK update, Our jug pets will be bit more useful, we not can rest our pets like ever other Pet class out there and the biggest thing ofcourse NO EXP PENALTY WOO, thats such a big thing we will see more beasts in partys because the exp penalty jug pet myth will be killed for certin now, Soloing will be more effiecient like if u accidently dont hit ur leave macro in time no exp cut.
On the flip side we may start to lose our identity as minority job, were likely to see a big out break of new beast masters and we may fall into a generic position as another partying job for the masses.
Id love to see other peoples oppinions on how the update will effect them